- Does not convey a message, or a profound art quality. Not a movie! -
The main character, Gim, is a highschool graduate, who has just lost his hearing ability, and trying new ways to cure his boredom, and loneliness. He meets Jay on the basketball court.
This was a final editing project I did for Intermediate Film/Video Making class at DVC. There is a little story in there for the viewers. It doesn't have a film quality because of the scenes, but it was my first time getting my hands on camera with a team. I learned that it is not possible to direct and act at the same time. Since I couldn't view the shots taken, all of the shots in this film were first-take.
Actors: Jayden Gardere and Ege Oguz
Camera: Jabreel Green and Allan Mizuguchi
Director, Writer, Editor: Ege